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Amigos for Christ El Chonco School and Feeding Center Amigos for Christ Classrooms

At Strategic M&A Advisors, we serve others. This spirit of service, we hope, shines through in the ways we serve our clients, and in the ways we give back. Instead of giving our clients a dust-collecting trophy or token memento in recognition of a successful transaction, we honor our clients by giving gifts (equal to 10% of our compensation) in their names to and other local charities. Here are some examples of how our successes have not only changed the lives of our clients but those less fortunate as well:

Amigos for Christ logoAmigos for Christ is a humanitarian organization dedicated to partnering with rural communities in northwest Nicaragua. Nicaragua is the only place in the world where the top cause of death is kidney disease as a result of the harsh climate and scarcity of clean water. As you might guess, the second leading cause of death in Nicaragua is dysentery as a result of unclean water and the lack of proper sanitation. Strategic M&A Advisors works with Amigos for Christ in its mission to make Christ more visible by partnering with these rural communities to bring Leadership Development, Water, Sanitation, Healthcare, Education, and Economic Development to one community at a time, over a 7-year period.

To date, our donations to Amigos for Christ have enabled the drilling of water wells, the construction of schools, and the creation of economic development opportunities, just to name a few. Let us share with you two of our most recent investments.

farm of pitaya with fruit

SMAA recently gave a 6-figure gift to Amigos for Christ to establish a sustainable, organic farming opportunity for the communities served by Amigos. The proceeds of this gift were invested by Amigos into its Farming Loan Program, Organic Farming Certifications and the ability to train and certify rural community farmers. Organic Fertilizer and farming supply systems at the Amigos facilities are then provided to rural farmers, enabling them to transport produce from the farms to our partner/exporter in Managua. This initiative has enabled a large number of rural farming families to increase their annual income from around $1,500 per year to over $10,000. So, next time you see organic Pitaya, or Dragon Fruit in your local grocery store, know that it just might have come from a rural Nicaraguan farmer that benefited from donations made possible by a successful SMAA transaction.

children play by the water sprinkler

We recently toured the rural community of El Espabel, a Nicaraguan community surrounded by commercial farming operations. The water table in that community is very high and accessible via hand-dug wells only 10 feet deep. As a result of the chemical runoff and lack of sanitation in the community, 100% of the water sources are contaminated, all of the community members have kidney disease, mortality is very high – especially among the youngest segment of the population, and education and economic opportunity are almost non-existent. SMAA has committed a $500,000 pledge to Amigos for Christ to fund the 7-year partnership strategy with El Espabel. To date, the community leadership team has been formed, a successful water well has been drilled, and mission groups from the USA are coming down weekly to work with the community members in the construction of the water infrastructure that will bring clean water to each of the 75 homes in the community. Once the water infrastructure is in place, modern bathrooms will be built which will then set the stage for healthcare administration, education, and long-term economic development. As a result of our clients' trust in SMAA, generational change is being effected in the lives of the poorest communities in Central America.

In addition to our support of Amigos for Christ, we also support several local charities in honor of our clients. Some of these charities include:

logo of Immerse logo of Presbyterian Village logo of The Call logo of UA Little Rock logo of Wildwood Park logo of Access Building Brighter Futures logo of Exodus.Life logo of Camp Aldersgate logo of The First Tee Central Mississippi logo of Century Club Charities logo of Children's Advocacy Centers of Arkansas logo of Fellowship Associates logo of Fellowship of Christian Athletes logo of The Family Home of Little Rock


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