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Funny How a Can Have You

Have you found "have you ever" questions familiar? Well, it should because it's another name for the most popular "never have I ever" questions and answers game.

Whether it's being played during a home party or simply in a sleepover, have you ever had questions that will surely bring spice to things.

It's an ideal way to give players a chance to ask friends such questions which they might have been too afraid to ask before that. It helps you to realize how alike you and your friends, family members, or partner are.

If you haven't played it before then the game is simple, each person holds up a hand and takes a turn sharing the statement about the things they have never done and if someone had done the action, they can put down their finger.

It is a fun way to learn more interesting facts about your loved ones. However, sometimes this game can get quite personal and embarrassing as well. So, make sure to choose your "have you ever" questions with caution.

For making your task easy, we have curated the best have you ever questions with different categories ranging from best to dirty questions. Therefore, you can choose the categories according to your wants, so let's get deeper into these questions.

550+ Have You Ever Questions [Funny, Dirty, Clean, and More]
550+ Have You Ever Questions [Funny, Dirty, Clean, and More]

Have you ever game questions

One of the fun games is playing have you ever questions. The rule of this game is simple, players take their turn to list potential experiences they have ever had.

If somebody has done the task in question, they take a shot. If no one has done the task in question then the person who posted the query takes a shot. However, here you drink responsibly.

Like any other game drinking game, you can alter your questioning statements more especially to your audience and play but if you only need a place to start, then here are some of the best questions for a mixed audience.

1. Have you ever held or cuddled a wild animal?

2. Have you ever fractured a bone?

3. Have you ever been on the radio or television for being interviewed or perform any task?

4. Have you ever stayed awake all night studying, partying, or any other purpose?

5. Have you ever broken something, such as a window, and then ran away?

6. Have you ever tried skydiving, bungee jumping, or parasailing?

7. Have you ever spent more than two hours on the phone for any significant purpose?

8. Have you ever been lost in a theme park or while on vacation? Did you get frightened?

9. Have you ever had a friend with the same birthday as you?

10. Have you ever been out in the rain and had a great time?

11. Have you ever experienced a humiliating experience?

12. Have you ever had a near-death experience in your life?

13. Have you ever been into a fight at school or at church?

14. Have you ever aided a person who was in danger?

15. Have you ever spent two days in a row wearing the same underwear?

16. Have you ever drunk soda or cold drink, laughed, and it came out of your nose?

17. Have you ever regifted something you got as a gift?

18. Have you ever gone camping in a tent? Have you enjoyed the same?

19. Have you ever had your phone ring at an inconvenient time?

20. Have you ever sung karaoke or lip-synced to a song?

21. Have you ever witnessed the birth of a human or animal baby?

22. Have you ever got stitches after getting hurt?

23. Have you ever paid for someone else's dinner or drink without them realizing it was you?

24. Have you ever spent the entire day in your pajamas?

25. Have you ever climbed a tree or gotten stuck on a roof and couldn't get down?

26. Have you ever done a backflip from a diving board?

27. Have you ever had the opportunity to hold a butterfly or another insect?

28. Have you ever come upon a wallet or money that has been dropped?

29. Have you ever been on a rollercoaster that made you scream in fear?

30. Have you ever lied in order to get something for a lower price?

31. Have you ever won a competition and earned a prize?

32. Have you ever talked yourself out of getting into trouble?

33. Have you ever used a Xerox machine to take an image of your face?

34. Have you ever witnessed a tornado in person (rather than on TV or in a movie)?

35. Have you ever gone water skiing or snow skiing so far?

36. Have you ever met a celebrity or a well-known person in your life?

Have you ever questions for kids

Kids are sensitive and can't resist the tough questions and also don't enjoy that much. Therefore, it's necessary to ask easy and convenient questions related to kids which they can relate to and enjoy as well.

In this order, here is the list of have you ever questions to ask the kids in a game or just for fun.

37. Have you ever been skiing before?

38. Have you ever made up a fictitious language?

39. Have you ever gotten out of bed in the middle of the night before?

40. Have you ever laughed so hard that it ached?

41. Have you ever noticed a shooting star?

42. Have you ever hidden anything under your bed before?

43. Have you ever fractured a bone in your life?

44. Have you ever fallen asleep in the car and had to be carried in by a parent?

45. Have you ever worn anything dirty?

46. Have you ever jumped from a diving board before?

47. Have you ever told a truly terrible joke?

48. Have you ever put a birthday wish on your candles?

49. Have you ever forgotten to complete your schoolwork?

50. Have you ever done karate before?

51. Have you ever watched the same show five times in your life?

52. Have you ever danced in the rain before?

53. Have you ever eaten candy that was more than six months old?

54. Have you ever been on an aircraft before?

55. Have you ever seen the ocean before?

56. Have you ever climbed a tree before?

57. Have you ever played a musical instrument before?

58. Have you ever been on a road trip before?

59. Have you ever stayed in a hospital overnight before?

60. Have you ever tripped over your shoelaces before?

61. Have you ever gone through a natural disaster?

62. Have you ever done karaoke before?

63. Have you ever woken for straight 24 hours or more before?

64. Have you ever stayed up all night before?

65. Have you ever been on a roller coaster before?

66. Have you ever ridden in a tractor before?

67. Have you ever read an entire book in one sitting?

68. Have you ever taken the subway before?

69. Have you ever had to remain in during recess.

70. Have you ever been on a helicopter before?

71. Have you ever gone snowboarding before?

72. Have you ever done scuba diving before?

73. Have you ever run a race before?

74. Have you ever had a cavity in your life?

75. Have you ever eaten squid before?

76. Have you ever been on a zipline before?

77. Have you ever climbed a mountain before?

78. Have you ever taken a city bus before?

79. Have you ever ridden a horse before?

80. Have you ever played in a treehouse before?

81. Have you ever had a bloody nose before?

82. Have you ever gone on a cruise before?

Have you ever sex questions

Want to have an intimate and close connection with your partner? Then, you can improve your sex life by asking some have you ever questions related to sex which can arouse your partner and eventually bring you both closer.

Moreover, sometimes due to busy schedules and stress, people often ignore or forget about intimate relationships with their partner, therefore, you can ask these questions to improve the bond and make your love life more exciting.

83. Have you ever used a household object as a sex toy before?

84. Have you ever slept with someone only because of their amazing social media status?

85. Have you ever had to delete any sexy texts because you didn't want your spouse to see them? And have you ever googled sex positions?

86. Have you ever gone out with a married man knowing it wouldn't last long?

87. Have you ever played games with your best friend just to see what it might be like?

88. Have you ever kissed someone on the mouth after engaging in good oral sex with them?

89. Have you ever made a mistake with a name when dating many people at the same time?

90. Have you ever gotten hurt while having an alone session with sex toys?

91. Have you ever had sex with someone you weren't interested in simply because you were horny?

92. Have you ever had a neighbor knock on your door because of extremely loud sex?

93. Have you ever had a threesome after you've been high?

94. Have you ever had sex with someone of the same gender as you?

95. Have you ever made out when someone poured wine on me while sitting in a chair?

96. Have you ever farted while kissing or making love to a female or boy?

97. Have you ever used your lips to remove your partner's underwear?

98. Have you ever invited a guy friend home while you've been alone at home?

99. Have you ever had an unpleasant odor when on a date?

100. Have you ever woken up next to a stranger before?

101. Have you ever smelled your girl's panties before?

102. Have you ever engaged in crazy role-playing?

103. Have you ever slept with a prostitute for a particularly dirty session?

104. Have you ever had a fling while swimming in a pool or at the beach?

105. Have you ever had more than one orgasm in a single sexual encounter? Have you ever faked an orgasm?

106. Have you ever provided a sexy massage to a man you've never met?

107. Have you ever given a stranger a ride on the highway when traveling alone?

108. Despite his attractiveness and sexiness, have you ever had a crush on your boss?

109. Have you ever been to a strange place without bringing a package of condoms with you?

110. Have you ever worn a scarf to disguise the love bites you acquired following a passionate and heavy lovemaking session?

111. Have you ever read raunchy magazines in order to gain your sex knowledge?

112. Have you ever paid money to get laid?

113. Have you ever gone out of your way to attracting the attention of your spouse?

114. Have you ever had a good time in a discotheque?

115. Have you ever dreamed about your best friend's boyfriend?

116. Have you ever been turned on by seductive music videos before?

117. Have you ever felt like making out in the kitchen while working?

118. Have you ever made a move on one of your coworkers to get my office work done?

119. Have you ever slept with a co-worker before?

120. Have you ever witnessed someone having sex without their permission?

121. Have you ever danced sexily or performed a striptease for anyone?

122. Have you ever used sexting to get someone's attention?

123. In a lovemaking session, Have you ever used melted chocolate?

124. Have you ever felt embarrassed while purchasing your partner's preferred condoms?

125. Have you ever had sex on top of banknotes before?

126. Have you ever made out with someone who you didn't know?

127. Have you ever masturbated with your lights turned on?

128. Have you ever been a dominatrix before?

Funny have you ever questions

Fun and humor are the most important part of life. It helps to reduce stress, make you fresh and active and improve your workforce.

One of the best ways to have fun is by asking or playing the game of have you ever questions in a gathering with family while sitting in a circle, or even with your partner or friends.

Here is the advance list of have you ever questions you can ask them.

129. Have you ever been in the shower and had ice water thrown at you?

130. Have you ever tried to burp the alphabet?

131. Have you ever been in a tornado or an earthquake?

132. Have you ever gone skinny dippings?

133. Have you ever fallen down the stairs?

134. Have you ever lied about not doing anything that you were supposed to do?

135. Have you ever swum in icy cold water?

136. Have you ever eaten frog legs or some other unusual food?

137. Have you ever done something stupid while camping?

138. Have you ever pretended to be ill in order to stay at home or return home from school or work?

139. Have you ever acted as if you didn't know a foreign language?

140. Have you ever misplaced a piece of your bathing suit?

141. Have you ever been on a "terrible" blind date?

142. Have you ever created a story to avoid paying a traffic ticket?

143. Have you ever won a competition?

144. Have you ever made a prank phone call?

145. Have you ever eaten a whole cake or pizza by yourself?

146. Have you seen the same movie in a theatre more than once?

147. Have you ever played a prank on someone or been the victim of a prank?

148. Have you ever missed a class or an entire day of school?

149. Have you ever thrown up on an aircraft or a boat?

150. Have you ever been kicked or bitten by a wild animal?

151. Have you ever sung in the shower or while using the restroom?

152. Have you ever misplaced your keys in the car or been locked out of your home?

153. Have you ever spied on your neighbors?

154. Have you ever shared your food with your pet such as a cat or dog?

155. Have you ever colored your hair and had a bad experience?

156. Have you ever gone skydiving or scuba diving?

157. Have you ever been to a restaurant or a party and had food or a drink spilled on you?

158. Have you ever rode a cow, an elephant, or some other weird animal?

159. Have you ever sung in front of an audience on your own?

160. Have you ever experienced a blowout while driving?

161. Have you ever been lost at a theme park or while on vacation?

Best have you ever questions

Everyone wants to have the best thing in their life as well as want to perform best in each and every task. Therefore, we have brought you the best questions so that you can improve your game level and have fun with more exciting tasks.

162. Have you ever been touched by a sunset?

163. Have you ever been alone or with a special someone?

164. Have you ever been a surprise party guest?

165. Have you ever been surprised by a party?

166. Have you ever been into a brawl?

167. Have you ever appeared on television?

168. Have you ever gone to a movie theatre?

169. Have you ever fractured a bone in your body?

170. Have you ever ended a relationship?

171. Have you ever called your boyfriend or girlfriend incorrectly?

172. Have you ever addressed your partner as "Honey?"

173. Have you ever radically changed your appearance in a short period of time?

174. Have you ever cheated on a test because of your hairstyle, hair color, or weight?

175. Have you ever been embarrassed by crying in public?

176. Have you ever felt happy because you cried for no reason?

177. Have you ever dated someone who was of a different race, culture, or religion than you?

178. Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who didn't like you?

179. Have you ever had an accidental relationship with a family member?

180. Have you ever done something stupid and wished you hadn't?

181. Have you ever gotten behind the wheel of a sports car?

182. Have you ever been behind the wheel of a truck?

183. Have you ever gone out to eat and realized you don't have any cash with you?

184. Have you ever finished a meal in a restaurant only to realize you left your money at home?

185. Have you ever eaten anything you thought you wouldn't enjoy, just to discover that you did?

186. Have you ever tried frog legs before?

187. Have you ever tried horse meat before?

188. Have you ever tried French food? (You can also use food from other countries.)

189. Have you ever slept off and had no idea where you were?

190. Have you ever dozed off in the middle of a bath?

191. Have you ever lost your footing on the stairwell?

192. Have you ever had a love-at-first-sight experience?

193. Have you ever tripped in front of others and fallen?

194. Have you ever neglected to remember your mother's birthday?

195. Have you ever made up a reason to avoid doing something you didn't want to do? Tell me about your experience at that time.

196. Have you ever given your girlfriend/boyfriend a ring (or another piece of jewelry)?

197. Have you ever gone mountain climbing before?

198. Have you ever had the opportunity to go skiing?

199. Have you ever tried your hand at surfing?

Good have you ever questions

Are you looking for good questions for have you ever played, then you have come to the right place.

Here is the ultimate list of good and exciting questions for the engaging conversation and you can choose from the below according to the group and people you are engaging with.

200. Have you ever had a dream about a ghost being in your room, only to wake up and find yourself searching for the ghost?

201. Have you ever gone to greet a friend or relative only to discover it was someone else?

202. Have you ever gotten sunburned at a tanning salon and then returned the following day?

203. Have you ever had a case of Deja Vu?

204. Have you ever attempted to make a cheesecake?

205. Have you ever attempted to prepare Chinese cuisine?

206. Have you ever tried your hand at roasting a turkey?

207. Have you ever tried your hand at bread baking?

208. Have you ever had the pleasure of meeting a celebrity?

209. Have you ever made a prank on one of your professors?

210. Have you ever asked embarrassing questions to your classmates?

211. Have you ever raised your hand to respond to a question only to forget what you wanted to say?

212. Have you ever gotten a gift that you absolutely hated? If yes, then what was it?

213. Have you ever regretted telling someone you love them?

214. Have you ever tried horseback riding?

215. Have you ever had the opportunity to ride a motorcycle?

216. Have you ever made a mistake and said yes when you really meant no? Tell us about your experience of that time.

217. Have you ever had the opportunity to sleep in a cave?

218. Have you ever slept in a tent before?

219. Have you ever swum in a body of water?

220. Have you ever had the opportunity to speak with a celebrity?

221. Have you ever had a funny thought and started laughing out loud in front of others?

222. Have you ever told someone you care about a big lie?

223. Have you ever tried in-line skating before?

224. Have you ever tried skating before?

225. Have you ever been wrong about someone's age (younger or older)? What was the person's reaction?

226. Have you ever been in the shower during a major earthquake?

227. Have you ever danced and torn your pants off?

228. Have you ever accidentally kissed someone?

229. Have you ever laughed so hard that tears welled up in your eyes?

230. Have you ever been on the phone and fall asleep?

231. Have you ever had an ankle or wrist sprain? What went wrong?

232. Have you ever authored a newspaper article? If yes, when did it happen, and what was the topic of the article?

233. Have you ever seen a car crash?

234. Have you ever contacted the principal of your school?

235. Have you ever received more than ten Valentine's Day cards?

236. Have you ever been on the radio or in front of a camera?

237. Have you ever had the opportunity to ride an ostrich? Is that a camel? Is that a cow?

238. Have you ever shaken a monkey's hand?

239. Have you ever been the recipient of a love letter?

240. Have you ever been in the path of a tornado?

241. Have you ever experienced a power failure while showering?

242. Have you ever picked your nose in front of others?

243. Have you ever had the opportunity to be on the radio? T.V?

244. Have you ever had the opportunity to ride an ostrich?

245. Never have I ever dropped my phone in public.

246. Have you ever attempted to build an igloo?

247. Have you ever participated in any extreme sports before?

248. Have you ever shot a gun at a tree or a target?

249. Have you ever performed an instrument in front of an audience?

250. Have you ever performed in front of an audience?

251. Have you ever spoken to your pet in "baby talk"?

Clean have you ever game questions

Are you looking for great clean questions for "have you ever" game? Then, your search ends here. Below is the desired list of have you ever game questions which you can use anytime and in gathering with any set of people. Let's take a look at these questions.

252. Have you ever met a celebrity before?

253. Have you ever spat in public before?

254. Have you ever been a fan of the smell of my own farts?

255. Have you ever sent a text to the wrong person before?

256. Have you ever tried to impress a crush by claiming to appreciate their favorite stuff?

257. Have you ever experienced head lice before?

258. Have you ever gotten drunk to the point of blacking out?

259. Have you ever laughed so hard that you peed on yourself?

260. Have you ever put gum under a table before?

261. Have you ever attempted a keg stand before?

262. Have you ever peed in a pool before?

263. Have you ever farted in a pool before?

264. Have you ever lost track of how many drinks you've consumed?

265. Have you ever watched sex in public before?

266. Have you ever broken the "five-second rule" in your entire life?

267. Have you ever been pulled over before?

268. Have you ever called or texted an ex while drunk?

269. Have you ever reported someone to the cops?

270. Have you ever stalked an ex on the internet?

271. Have you ever stolen anything in your life?

272. Have you ever peed in public before?

273. Have you ever cried in school or at work?

274. Have you ever used a fake ID before?

275. Have you ever burped after a kiss before?

276. Have you ever eaten something in the heat of the moment?

277. Have you ever downloaded music or movies without permission?

278. Have you ever taken any medication that wasn't prescribed to you?

279. Have you ever walked out of a restroom without washing your hands?

280. Have you ever had anything to do with a friend's ex?

281. Have you ever in your life has thrown a drink at somebody?

282. Have you ever had a horrible date in your life?

283. Have you ever stalked a crush on the internet?

284. Have you ever looked up a new bae's ex on Google?

285. Have you ever done any homework on a blind date before?

286. Have you ever gotten into a physical fight?

287. Have you ever lied on a CV before?

288. Have you ever had a bad job in your life?

289. Have you ever consumed all of your Halloween candy in one sitting?

290. Have you ever made someone else responsible for your foul fart?

291. Have you ever flirted to avoid getting into trouble?

292. During a job interview, Have you ever entirely lied about a skill?

Have you ever questions for crush

Interacting and communicating with your crush is not that easy. You have to be confident with a set of amazing questions to know them better and have fun which makes the bond stronger.

Therefore, if you are interacting or communicating with your crush, then you can ask yourself questions for more fun and entertainment. Then, gradually slide into the heart of your crush.

293. Have you ever found weird photos of your crush before?

294. Have you ever been on a blind date before?

295. Have you ever used social media to stalk an ex?

296. Have you ever been hungover before?

297. Have you ever eaten an entire container of ice cream?

298. Have you ever gone commando before?

299. Have you ever shaved your head before?

300. Have you ever kissed one of your best friends?

301. Have you ever ghosted somebody before?

302. Have you ever farted in front of someone you care about?

303. Have you ever received a speeding ticket?

304. Have you ever had a tattoo before?

305. Have you ever peed in the shower before?

306. Have you ever peed in a pool before?

307. Have you ever slipped into anyone's DMs?

308. Have you ever fractured someone's bone in your life?

309. Have you ever dined and dashed?

310. Have you ever got a crush on a sibling of your friend?

311. Have you ever used a fake ID?

312. Have you ever got a crush on your class teacher?

313. Have you ever gone to a bachelorette party or bachelor party?

314. Have you ever fallen in love?

315. Have you ever done it in a public place?

316. Have you ever gotten into a physical fight with your best friend?

317. Have you ever gotten turned on during a family game night?

318. Have you ever cheated in a board game?

319. Have you ever cheated in a card game?

320. Have you ever met a celebrity accidentally?

321. Have you ever had an alcoholic drink?

322. Have you ever played spin the bottle?

323. Have you ever had a surprise party thrown for you?

324. Have you ever traveled alone before?

325. Have you ever snooped through someone's phone?

326. Have you ever eaten whipped cream straight out of the can?

327. Have you ever snuck into a movie theater?

328. Have you ever had a surprise party organized for me before?

329. Have you ever slapped in front of everyone?

330. Have you ever eaten whole alone without sharing it with anyone?

331. Have you ever tried to fully rearrange your life?

332. Have you ever cut your hair by yourself?

333. Have you ever kissed a friend's ex-girlfriend?

334. Have you ever shouted when watching a scary movie?

335. Have you ever said "I love you" without truly meaning it?

336. Have you ever been referred to as a player?

337. Have you ever tried out for a reality TV talent show?

338. Have you ever pretended to be staying at a friend's place when you were actually staying somewhere else?

Naughty have you ever questions

Want to have some naughty conversation with your partner? Why not? In fact, sometimes being naughty is what your partner wants. Therefore, along with some actions, you need the right questions to create that kind of environment.

Here is the list of naughty have you ever questions that will help you both to get closer and build an exciting bond between you and your partner.

339. Have you ever been angry with a partner because they didn't perform well?

340. During a session, Have you ever become dehydrated?

341. Have you ever given a location a name after a session?

342. Have you ever sucked your toes before? And have you ever received a lap dance?

343. Have you ever done it in the same room as a family member?

344. Have you ever done it at the same time as a family member who lives in the same building as you?

345. Have you ever seen another pair get it on before?

346. Have you ever tasted another person's bodily fluids?

347. Have you ever taken off someone else's garments in public?

348. Have you ever messed around in an elevator before?

349. Have you ever had a relative come in while I was putting it on before?

350. Have you ever licked someone's food before?

351. Have you ever slept with someone after only meeting them for an hour?

352. Have you ever been in the car messing around and accidentally blowing the horn?

353. Have you ever taken naked images of yourself or anyone else?

354. It's the first time or have you ever done it with someone twice my age?

355. Have you ever given your boyfriend/girlfriend more than a half-hour of pleasure?

356. Have you ever shaved your partner's pubic hair before?

357. Have you ever kissed a celebrity before? Have you ever watched Friends with benefits and Walk of shame before?

358. Have you ever bought a pleasurable toy before?

359. Have you ever tricked an animal into licking your intimate parts?

360. In this circle, Have you ever had a dirty crush on anyone?

361. Have you ever taken a shower with someone of the other gender?

362. Have you ever had the pleasure of tasting breast milk?

363. Have you ever slept with a coworker?

364. Have you ever left my baby mama alone?

365. Have you ever passed out from suffocation while doing it?

366. Have you ever snuck a female or a guy into the house?

367. When you were younger, have you ever used someone's sock?

368. Have you ever messed with another person's body more than your own?

369. Have you ever slept off while watching?

370. Have you ever tasted it yourself before?

371. Have you ever seen a friend do it with their partner before?

372. Have you ever gone through a session without laying down?

373. Have you ever been accused of having a relationship with anyone other than your partner?

374. Have you ever missed washing a piece of clothes because of someone else's odor?

375. Have you ever had to use lubricant before?

376. Have you ever been angry with a partner because they didn't perform well?

377. Have you ever been dehydrated while having sex?

378. Have you ever given a location a name after a session?

379. Have you ever done it in front of your friends?

380. Have you ever done it in the same building with a friend?

381. Have you ever participated in a group task?

382. Have you ever taken off your garments in public?

383. Have you ever done it outside before with someone?

384. Have you ever had a 'dream' about a lecturer before?

385. Have you ever licked someone's food before?

Dirty have you ever questions

One of the fantasies of people is to be dirty and ask these questions. Therefore, here is the list of dirty questions which you can use to bring you and your partner together for an intimate bond and bring both of you closer and lovable.

386. Have you ever been bathed by someone of the other sex?

387. Have you tried a pregnancy test?

388. Have you ever lied to someone about your age?

389. Have you ever been hit on by someone who was too old for you?

390. Have you ever worn special clothing to hide a hickey?

391. Have you ever spent the night beside the toilet?

392. Have you ever sunbathed partially or completely naked?

393. Have you ever had sex with a stranger and gone "commando" (without wearing underwear)?

394. Have you ever played with someone outside in nature?

395. Have you ever been embarrassed to pick up your photos from the photo center because you forgot what was on them?

396. Have you ever told someone their shirt was popping open or their zipper was down?

397. Have you ever been caught by a parent or a sibling fooling around?

398. Have you ever played in a sleeping bag?

399. Have you ever been arrested?

400. Have you ever had trouble remembering how you went somewhere?

401. Have you ever cheated on a test or an exam?

402. Have you ever stuck your tongue out at the ATM camera?

403. Have you ever used a fake I.D. and then forgotten your new name?

404. Have you ever burped while kissing someone?

405. Have you ever smoked in a high school bathroom?

406. Have you ever become so sick from a particular food or type of drink that you decided to avoid it forever?

407. Have you ever played strip poker?

408. Is it possible to put someone's hand in warm water to test whether it makes them pee?

409. Have you ever been snuck into a bar or a movie while under the age of 21?

410. Have you ever had sex in the back seat of a car or a truck?

411. Have you been searched by police or airport personnel?

412. So your parents wouldn't know you were smoking, have you ever hid cigarettes or weed?

413. Have you ever experienced a dream involving a teacher or a coworker?

414. Have you received a tattoo?

415. Have you ever played around in a photo booth?

416. Have you ever lied about your birthday in order to receive a free dessert?

417. Have you ever bought and worn sexy underwear?

418. Have you ever been in the room and got caught by someone?

Have you ever questions for adults

Just like kids, adults also need different sets of questions that include different aspects. Therefore, here is the list of have you ever questions which is ideal for adults to ask in a group of friends or with your cousins and family relatives. Let's dig deeper into it.

419. Have you ever accidentally stepped on a lamppost?

420. Have you ever wondered why some people desire privacy but never appear to be alone? What are your thoughts on this?

421. Have you ever tried to eat something without spitting out your chewing gum first?

422. Have you ever saved a piece of chewed chewing gum and later started chewing it?

423. Have you ever called 'he' as 'she,' or 'she,' as 'he?' So, what would be your reaction?

424. Have you ever called a woman "ma'am" or a man as "sir?"

425. Have you ever asked about a woman's "due date" when she wasn't even pregnant?

426. Have you ever given your pet a special nickname that was completely different from its real name?

427. Have you ever kept anything special for your pet?

428. Have you ever kept a separate blanket or bed only for your pet?

429. Have you ever let your pet sleep in your room or on your bed?

430. Have you ever attempted to hitchhike?

431. Have you ever passed out?

432. Have you ever been the victim of a robbery?

433. Have you ever had a role in a film?

434. Have you ever made the mistake of calling a female teacher "mum"?

435. Have you ever had the desire to consume toothpaste?

436. Have you ever attended a funeral service?

437. Have you ever gone to a wedding before? Who was it, exactly? Is the bride wearing a white gown or traditional attire?

438. Have you ever found yourself stuck in an elevator?

439. Have you ever managed to make someone cry?

440. Have you ever seen your mum or father crying?

441. Have you ever tried your hand at shooting a gun?

442. Have you ever sat in the back of a police car?

443. Have you ever needed to contact emergency services by dialing 911/111/119…?

444. Have you ever passed out in public?

445. Have you ever wondered why Asians are unable to communicate in English?

446. Have you ever walked straight into a window because it was so spotless?

447. Have you ever met a person with six fingers?

448. Have you ever prepared a meal for a group of more than 20 people?

449. Have you ever taken a trip without purchasing a ticket?

450. Have you ever performed in front of an audience?

451. Have you ever done something that took you out of your comfort zone?

Have you ever questions for teenagers

Do you want to ask your friends some sort of fun questions and want to dig deeper into their past life? Then, have you ever questioned is the right way to go.

Below is the ultimate list of have you ever questions for teenagers to ask in a group of friends during a gathering, a party, or after-school hours.

452. Have you ever been kissed before?

453. Have you ever said anything negative about anyone?

454. Have you ever used Facebook before?

455. Have you ever spoken to your crush before?

456. Have you ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend in your life?

457. Have you ever shaved your legs before?

458. Have you ever sung in the shower before?

459. Have you ever seen an R-rated film?

460. Have you ever been out of state before?

461. Have you ever practiced kissing your hand before?

462. Have you ever played Spin the Bottle before?

463. Have you ever met a well-known person before?

464. Have you ever been on a plane before?

465. Have you ever played dirty games before?

466. Have you ever had an internet conversation with a complete stranger?

467. Have you ever been behind the wheel of a car before?

468. Have you ever seen a photograph of a naked person?

469. Have you ever owned a smartphone?

470. Have you ever stayed up all night before?

471. Have you ever claimed to be sick to get out of school?

472. Have you ever been called to the principal's office before?

473. Have you ever broken a bone while participating in sports?

474. Have you ever told a teacher a lie?

475. Have you ever been jealous of your buddies before?

476. Have you ever cried in a school bathroom before?

477. Have you ever wished I was the opposite gender?

478. Have you ever been embarrassed in front of your crush before?

479. Have you ever tried to imitate a star?

480. Have you ever passed notes in class before?

481. Have you ever requested a friend to inform your crush that you like them?

482. Have you ever asked your crush about his high school marks?

483. Have you ever been to a school dance before?

484. Have you ever done anything particularly embarrassing in class?

485. In class, Have you ever tried to sit next to your crush?

486. Have you ever told your parents where you were going on purpose?

487. Have you ever been to a real concert before?

488. Have you ever pretended to have a boyfriend or girlfriend in your life?

489. Have you ever been late to class before?

490. Have you ever seen somebody naked before?

491. Have you ever snuck out of the house before?

492. Have you ever liked the boyfriend or girlfriend of a buddy?

493. Have you ever had a hickey before?

494. Have you ever looked at dirty photographs on the internet?

Hard have you ever questions

If you want to dig deeper into the past of a person, then you have to ask some hard questions. For making your work easy, here is the ultimate list of questions that you ask any group of persons. So, let's get deeper into these questions.

495. Have you ever received a speeding ticket in your life?

496. Have you ever ghosted someone's texts before?

497. Have you ever lied to avoid coming to work?

498. Have you ever offered a false name?

499. Have you ever dumped someone over a text message?

500. Have you ever been sick on public transportation?

501. Have you ever lied to anyone in this room?

502. Have you ever texted an ex out of the blue?

503. Have you ever gone on a public naked streak?

504. Have you ever lied on a dating app?

505. Have you ever kissed a sibling of a buddy?

506. Have you ever joined the mile high club membership?

507. Have you ever had a holiday romance before?

508. Have you ever used another person's toothbrush?

509. Have you ever peed in the shower, and followed an ex's new partner on social media?

510. Have you ever been kicked out of a pub or nightclub?

511. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping before?

512. Have you ever gone out with a friend's ex-boyfriend, and been in love at first sight?

513. Have you ever been mugged and broken a bone because you said "I love you"?

514. Have you ever lied about leaving the club early before?

515. Have you ever been sick of a friend or someone else?

516. Have you ever kissed a well-known person before?

517. Have you ever paid for a gym class and failed to show up?

518. Have you ever caught your parents having sex, and visited a nudist beach?

519. Have you ever stayed up all night before and taken one nightstand?

520. Have you ever cheated on a test or an exam?

521. Have you ever claimed to be someone else before?

522. Have you ever ignored a friend in public, destroyed clothing borrowed from a friend, and sneaked into a festival or club?

523. Have you ever snuck into someone's DMs before?

524. Have you ever gone out without wearing underwear?

525. Have you ever glanced through your partner's phone before?

526. Have you ever edited a sexy selfie before?

527. Have you ever used another person's Netflix account?

Weird have you ever questions

Some weird questions are quite fun and engaging with your partner or friends. Therefore, here is the complete list of weird have you ever questions which you can ask anytime to your friend or partner without any excuse and bring humor to the boring environment.

Let's dig deeper into it.

518. Have you ever farted in front of someone you care about?

519. Have you ever messed up the lyrics of a song while singing it out loud?

520. Have you ever walked into a bathroom and seen someone?

521. Have you ever had somebody walk in on you in the bathroom before?

522. Have you ever sent a text to the wrong person before?

523. Have you ever tried to pass a silent fart, but it always comes out loud?

524. Have you ever wet the bed since you were a kid?

525. Have you ever accidentally pooped your trousers?

526. Have you ever attempted martial arts moves on your own before?

527. Have you ever mistook a woman for a male or vice versa?

528. Have you ever laughed so hard that you peed your pants before?

529. Have you ever attempted martial arts moves on your own before?

530. Have you ever driven over a curb before?

531. Have you ever mistook a woman for a male or vice versa?

532. Have you ever laughed so hard that you fell down and got hurt?

533. Have you ever picked a wedgie in public before?

534. Have you ever called the wrong person and then pretended to be calling them?

535. Have you ever gone to the wrong restroom before?

536. Have you ever been so terrified of being outside late at night that you hurried back inside?

537. Have you ever misplaced your bathing bottoms?

538. Have you ever had diarrhea at a friend's house before?

539. Have you ever sat on a piece of furniture and damaged it?

540. Have you ever arrived late anywhere and had everyone stare at you?

541. Have you ever had food stuck in your teeth all day before?

542. Have you ever gone out in public with your zipper down?

543. Have you ever purchased a child's toy for yourself as an adult?

545. Have you ever recorded yourself singing or dancing on tape?

546. Have you ever been caught picking your nose before?

547. Have you ever had anything get trapped in your nose before?

548. Have you ever greeted someone you mistook for someone else?

549. Have you ever had a horrible haircut on yourself?

550. Have you ever been told that you have bad breath?

551. Have you ever shouted because of a bug before?

552. Have you ever pretended to be doing anything essential while playing on your phone?

553. Have you ever practiced public speaking in front of a mirror?

554. Just in case anyone is listening, Have you ever faked washing your hands by turning on the water?

555. Have you ever smiled at someone after realizing you weren't paying attention to what they were saying?

556. Have you ever tried to impress a crush by appearing to be educated about their favorite topics?

557. Have you ever been frequently refreshed to see whether you've received any new messages?

558. Have you ever pretended to text while taking a million selfies in secret?

559. Have you ever been a huge fan of One Direction?

560. Have you ever seen yourself in a sitcom and considered who would play you?

The Bottom line

So, this was a complete list of "have you ever" questions, I hope you found it helpful. The point value version of the game is the most appropriate and simple to play.

After the game, you can tally up the points to decide who is the winner. It's always a better idea to have a pen and paper handy, so you don't have any cheaters. The dance ends when there is only one person left with points.

During a night part or home gathering, this is the most ideal way to spend time and have fun that will make the moments memorable and enjoyable at the same time. Give it a try and you will thank me later.

Accumulate the questions and begin the game. Enjoy and have fun!


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