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What Protein Content in 8 Oz. Salmon Compared to 8 Oz. Beef

Article author photo Victoria Mazmanyan by Victoria Mazmanyan | Last updated on January 01, 1970

Education: General Medicine at YSMU





Beef is higher in most macronutrients, including fats, protein, and calories. Salmon is richer in all vitamins except for vitamin K. Salmon also contains higher amounts of potassium, magnesium, copper, and selenium, while beef is higher in iron, calcium, zinc, and sodium.

Salmon is the preferred choice for low-fat and low-calorie weight loss diets. Overall, it is also a healthier choice for people concerned with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Classification
      1. Appearance
        1. Taste and Use
        2. Varieties
          1. Nutrition
            1. Macronutrients and Calories
              1. Calories
              2. Protein and Fats
              3. Carbohydrates
            2. Vitamins
              1. Minerals
                1. Glycemic Index
                  1. Acidity
                  2. Weight Loss & Diets
                    1. Health Impact
                      1. Health Benefits
                        1. Cardiovascular Health
                        2. Diabetes
                        3. Cancer
                        4. Inflammation
                      2. Downsides and Risks
                        1. Cardiometabolic Health
                        2. Diabetes
                        3. Cancer
                        4. Inflammation
                    2. References


                      Salmon and steak are two of the most popular choices for dinner at restaurants. Besides taste and origin, they have many differences in their nutritional compositions and impacts on health. In this article, we will talk about that and much more.


                      Salmon classifies as part of the oily fish species known for containing a high level of oils and, therefore, fat-soluble vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids.

                      Beef, commonly referred to as just steak, is the meat from the skeletal muscles of cattle, that is, cows or bulls.

                      Steak is classified as red meat, whereas fish is considered to be white meat.


                      Salmon and beef are distinctly different from each other by their appearances. Salmon usually has a red or orange hue when raw and loses its color as it gets cooked, becoming closer to shades of pink or white. Salmon meat also has visible wavy white lines, called marbling. These lines can appear stronger or be barely visible, depending on whether the fish was farm-raised or wild-caught.

                      On the other hand, raw beef has a bright red color that gets darker when exposed to oxygen. Beef also has marbling; however, it looks irregular and less orderly compared to salmon. The marbling in beef depends on the cattle, as well as which part of the meat it is.

                      Taste and Use

                      Salmon, being high in fats, tastes rich and oily, whereas steak has a more tender and juicy flavor.

                      Both salmon and beef can be used in similar ways in the kitchen: grilled, broiled, stir-fried, and more.

                      Beef is arguably more versatile in use. One of the most popular dishes from beef is beef steak or just steak; others include roast beef, burgers, beef stroganoff, casserole, and shepherd's pie. Salmon can also be eaten as a steak or burger. Most often, it is fried, grilled, or broiled and consumed with flavorings and sauce.


                      Several species of fish are combined in the term salmon. The six major species of salmon include the Atlantic, King (Chinook), Sockeye (Red), Coho (Silver), Pink (Humpback), and Chum (Dog, Silverbrite). Depending on the species, the taste and nutrition may differ. The King salmon is the biggest among them, containing the highest percentage of fat. In contrast, Chum contains the lowest amount of fat. The different types have similar contents of protein.

                      You can also find a difference in salmons depending on whether they were wild-caught or farm-raised. Farm-raised salmon may be higher in certain toxins, contaminants, and antibiotics compared to wild-caught salmon.

                      There are different varieties of beef based on the cut of the animal. The popular cuts of beef are the chuck (shoulder), brisket (breast), plate (belly), rib, shank (leg), flank (abdominal muscles), loin (back, above the abdomen), and the round (back, above the legs). These varieties can differ in texture, nutrition, and taste.

                      Based on the level of marbling and maturity, beef is divided into eight grades. The top three grades for beef are Prime, Choice, and Select.


                      For this article, we are using the nutritional information about wild Atlantic salmon and ground beef with 85% lean meat.

                      Macronutrients and Calories

                      Beef is denser in nutrients, as it consists of 58% water, whereas salmon consists of 69%.


                      Beef is higher in most macronutrients and is, therefore, much higher in calories compared to salmon. A 100g serving of salmon contains 142 calories, while the same amount of beef has 250 calories.

                      Protein and Fats

                      Beef is also considerably higher in both protein and fats.

                      Beef and salmon are abundant in protein. Both of these meats contain high levels of all essential amino acids. Even though beef is richer in overall proteins, salmon contains greater amounts of these essential amino acids.

                      Beef contains almost three times the amount of fat that salmon does. Naturally, beef is also higher in cholesterol.

                      Salmon fat is considered to be healthier, as the predominant type of fat found in it are the polyunsaturated fatty acids, followed by monounsaturated fats. Among those polyunsaturated fats, salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It is an essential fat with numerous health-beneficial properties.

                      Beef fat, on the other hand, consists mainly of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, containing low amounts of polyunsaturated fat.


                      Both salmon and beef, like most other meats, contain no carbohydrates.


                      Salmon is undoubtedly the winner in this category, being richer in almost all the vitamins. These include vitamin A, vitamin E, and all the B vitamins. Salmon also contains vitamin D, which beef completely lacks (1).

                      The only vitamin beef contains more of is vitamin K.

                      Both of these meats lack vitamin C entirely.

                      Vitamin Comparison

                      Vitamin comparison score is based on the number of vitamins by which one or the other food is richer. The "coverage" chart below show how much of the daily needs can be covered by 300 grams of the food






                      Contains more Vitamin A +344.4%

                      Contains more Vitamin B1 +391.3%

                      Contains more Vitamin B2 +115.9%

                      Contains more Vitamin B3 +46.2%

                      Contains more Vitamin B5 +152.9%

                      Contains more Vitamin B6 +114.1%

                      Contains more Folate +177.8%

                      Contains more Vitamin B12 +20.5%

                      Vitamin A Vitamin E Vitamin D Vitamin C Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B5 Vitamin B6 Folate Vitamin B12 Vitamin K 3% 0% 0% 0% 57% 88% 148% 100% 189% 19% 398% 0%

                      Vitamin A Vitamin E Vitamin D Vitamin C Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B5 Vitamin B6 Folate Vitamin B12 Vitamin K 1% 3% 0% 0% 12% 41% 101% 40% 89% 7% 331% 3%

                      Contains more Vitamin A +344.4%

                      Contains more Vitamin B1 +391.3%

                      Contains more Vitamin B2 +115.9%

                      Contains more Vitamin B3 +46.2%

                      Contains more Vitamin B5 +152.9%

                      Contains more Vitamin B6 +114.1%

                      Contains more Folate +177.8%

                      Contains more Vitamin B12 +20.5%


                      Salmon and beef are both rich in minerals.

                      Salmon contains higher amounts of potassium, magnesium, selenium, copper, and manganese. Salmon is also considerably lower in sodium.

                      On the other hand, beef is richer in iron, calcium, zinc, and choline.

                      Beef and salmon contain similar amounts of phosphorus, with salmon being only slightly higher in it.

                      Mineral Comparison

                      Mineral comparison score is based on the number of minerals by which one or the other food is richer. The "coverage" chart below show how much of the daily needs can be covered by 300 grams of the food






                      Contains more Magnesium +38.1%

                      Contains more Potassium +54.1%

                      Contains less Sodium -38.9%

                      Contains more Copper +194.1%

                      Contains more Calcium +50%

                      Contains more Iron +225%

                      Contains more Zinc +885.9%

                      Equal in Phosphorus - 198

                      Calcium Iron Magnesium Phosphorus Potassium Sodium Zinc Copper 4% 30% 21% 86% 44% 6% 18% 84%

                      Calcium Iron Magnesium Phosphorus Potassium Sodium Zinc Copper 6% 98% 15% 85% 29% 10% 173% 29%

                      Contains more Magnesium +38.1%

                      Contains more Potassium +54.1%

                      Contains less Sodium -38.9%

                      Contains more Copper +194.1%

                      Contains more Calcium +50%

                      Contains more Iron +225%

                      Contains more Zinc +885.9%

                      Equal in Phosphorus - 198

                      Glycemic Index

                      As salmon and beef do not contain carbohydrates, the glycemic index of these foods is considered to be equal to 0.


                      Many aspects can alter the pH of meat; however, the acceptable pH value for beef falls within the range of 5.3 to 5.7 (2). This shows us that beef is an acidic product. When the pH value of beef starts to get higher, it indicates decomposition.

                      The pH value of salmon is a little higher, ranging from 5.4 to 6.5, making salmon slightly acidic (3).

                      The potential renal acid load or PRAL is another way of measuring acidity. The PRAL value demonstrates how much acid or base the food produces inside the body.

                      The PRAL value for beef has been calculated to be 12.6, while the PRAL value for salmon is less than half of that - 5.9. This means beef is a lot more acidic in the organism compared to salmon.

                      Weight Loss & Diets

                      Salmon and beef are highly nutritious foods, also high in calories. Salmon contains fewer calories compared to beef.

                      Salmon is the preferred choice between the two on low-fat and low-calorie diets. Steak and salmon both fit in a low carb or low glycemic index diet.

                      Unlike beef, salmon can also be consumed on a pescetarian diet.

                      Despite the high caloric value, a high protein diet rich in red meat, such as beef, has been studied to help with weight loss and improve body composition (4). However, high meat availability has also been correlated to an increased prevalence of obesity (5), whereas a vegetarian diet has been associated with reduced body weight and lower rates of obesity (6).

                      Adding seafood, including both lean or fatty fish, to a balanced energy-restricted diet may boost weight loss (7). Another study has found the supplementation of a protein found in salmon, called hydrolysate, to positively affect body mass index in overweight subjects (8).

                      Overall, both salmon and beef are high in calories; however, salmon may have certain anti-obesity properties that make it the better choice between the two on weight loss diets.

                      Health Impact

                      Various studies have centered around the correlation between the consumption of seafood and red meat and its negative or positive effects on health. In this section, we will look at some of those studies.

                      Health Benefits

                      Cardiovascular Health

                      The inclusion of lean red meat or partial replacement of carbohydrates with protein in low saturated fat and low sodium diet has significantly decreased total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (9). A similar study showed that high protein diets, with or without red meats, can improve cardiometabolic health (4).

                      Supplementation of fish products rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, during a weight loss program, can substantially reduce cardiovascular risk in overweight patients with high blood pressure (10).

                      Overall, omega-3 fatty acids have been found to possess anti-triglyceridemic, antihypertensive, hemostatic, antiarrhythmic, anti-atherogenic, vasodilatory, and antithrombotic effects (11). They are also beneficial in preventing and treating heart disease by improving the heart's structure and function (11).


                      Research has suggested that a hypocaloric diet with higher protein content from lean red meats can improve risk markers of type 2 diabetes in obese adults (12).

                      Lean fish consumption has been studied to have an overall beneficial effect on type 2 diabetes mellitus (13).

                      Intake of oligopeptide proteins found in salmon skin has significantly reduced fasting blood glucose, expressing antidiabetic activities (14). Salmon skin gelatin has also been studied to enhance insulin secretion and improve glycemic control (15).


                      There is limited suggestive evidence that fish consumption is correlated with a decreased risk of liver and colorectal cancer (16).

                      Due to contamination, farmed salmon might lead to increased cancer risk. Therefore, individuals concerned with reducing the possibility of cancer may choose wild salmon or farmed salmon with lower contaminant concentrations (17).


                      Intake of salmon and omega-3 fatty acids has been correlated with lower inflammation levels due to salmon's inhibitory properties on pro-inflammatory compounds (18, 19, 20).

                      Downsides and Risks

                      Cardiometabolic Health

                      In contrast to the potential beneficial effects on heart health, consumption of red and processed meat has been found to lead to an increased risk of cardiometabolic disease and cardiometabolic mortality, as well as all-cause mortality (21).

                      Substituting processed and unprocessed red meats for high-quality plant products, such as legumes, nuts, and soy, has been associated with a decreased risk of coronary heart disease (22).


                      Meat consumption has been consistently associated with increased diabetes risk due to its nitrate content and effects on body weight, visceral fat, and intracellular lipids (23).

                      Another study has come to a similar conclusion that the intake of total cholesterol, animal protein, and heme iron is significantly associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes (24).

                      A diet moderate to low in meat, preferably unprocessed and lean, is recommended to people with diabetes (25).

                      There is a potential association between an increased risk of diabetes and the consumption of farmed salmon, as it may contain persistent organic pollutants that cause insulin resistance and obesity in mice (26).


                      The consumption of red and processed meats has long been associated with increased cancer risk. In particular, red meat elevates the risk of nasopharynx, colorectal, lung, and pancreas cancer (16), as well as breast and prostate cancer (27). In addition to those, processed meat also increases the chance of esophageal (squamous cell carcinoma) and stomach cancer (non-cardia) (16).

                      Depending on the preparation methods, the cancerogenic effects of meat can change. When cooked in high heat by grilling, broiling, or barbecuing, both beef and salmon can increase the risk of stomach cancer (16).


                      Unprocessed and total red meat intake has been associated with higher C-reactive protein levels. Reduction of red meat intake could benefit inflammation (28).


                      2. The effect of pH on beef eating quality

                      Article author photo Victoria Mazmanyan

                      Education: General Medicine at YSMU

                      Last updated: January 01, 1970


                      Salmon vs Beef infographic

                      Which food is preferable for your diet?



                      is better in case of low diet

                      Salmon Beef
                      Low Fats diet ok
                      Low Carbs diet Equal
                      Low Calories diet ok
                      Low glycemic index diet Equal

                      People also compare

                      Vitamin and Mineral Summary Scores

                      The summary score is calculated by summing up the daily values contained in 300 grams of the product. Obviously the more the food fulfills human daily needs, the more the summary score is.

                      Vitamin Summary Score





                      Mineral Summary Score





                      Macronutrients Comparison

                      Macronutrient comparison charts compare the amount of protein, total fats, and total carbohydrates in 300 grams of the food. The displayed values show how much of the daily needs can be covered by 300 grams of food.
















                      Comparison summary

                      Which food is lower in Sugar?


                      Salmon is lower in Sugar (difference - 0g)

                      Which food contains less Sodium?


                      Salmon contains less Sodium (difference - 28mg)

                      Which food is lower in Cholesterol?


                      Salmon is lower in Cholesterol (difference - 33mg)

                      Which food is lower in Saturated Fat?


                      Salmon is lower in Saturated Fat (difference - 4.914g)

                      Which food is richer in vitamins?


                      Salmon is relatively richer in vitamins

                      Which food is cheaper?


                      Beef is cheaper (difference - $11)

                      Which food is lower in glycemic index?


                      The foods have equal glycemic indexes (0)

                      Which food is richer in minerals?


                      It cannot be stated which food is richer in vitamins. See the charts below for detailed information. See the charts below for detailed information. See the charts below for detailed information.



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